Nucleon State of the Project: Part 2) A Look Forward
The Nucleon team has worked hard to develop Nucleon into what it is now. The largest liquid staking tokens and one of the largest PoS validators for Conflux Network. The team can’t rest yet because what they have on their roadmap may be their biggest challenge yet. Let’s get into it.
Hi, My Name Is…
If you are reading this article, you probably already know that Nucleon is one of if not the largest validators for Conflux. The challenge for Nucleon is to now find new users. The ones that are just starting to learn about Conflux; about cryptocurrencies in general. We need to be on the frontlines with Conflux teaching and generating awareness about Conflux.
This will require new ways of thinking. We will need to be more creative with our marketing. Developing new material in different languages and targeting new geographies. While this is a focus for ourselves, it is also a call to other eSpace projects. We all need to do our part to help grow Conflux. At this point, the growing pie will benefit everyone.
Expanding the xCFX Universe
xCFX, the derivative token you receive when you stake CFX with Nucleon, is critically important for Nucleon. The point of the token is to give you the option to use it as you wish just like CFX. xCFX can be used on Goledo, Swappi DEX, and Maneki-Meow already, but it must go further. It is our mission to find ways to partner with all projects on Conflux eSpace. We are in discussions with some of the new projects being developed. Frankly, we are very excited about the new opportunities ahead. Still, it’s never enough. We are always on the hunt for new opportunities. Remember that, outside of Swappi, the first new project on eSpace was at the beginning of the year. There is still a great deal of potential for growth in the ecosystem. Connecting now with new projects will make growth in the future far, far easier as the network effect pushes us to new heights. To this end, if you are interested in exploring a partnership with Nucleon please reach out to us. We would love to hear from you. You can email us at
Entrepreneurs, if you are reading this, we actively invite you to reach out to us and discuss ways we can integrate xCFX into your projects. We know there is pent-up demand for new use cases for xCFX. Just look at xCFX on Goledo. At one point not long ago, there was over 10M xCFX supplied. There is enough xCFX out there to warrant enabling xCFX to be used on your projects.
Have You Seen My Wallet?
It’s not enough to be finding use cases. We need to make as many wallets compatible as possible. We need to make it as easy as possible to stake your CFX so you do not have an excuse not to use Nucleon. We have some wallets we are currently working on including the Halo wallet, but there is always more work to do.
Community Outreach
The Nucleon team is working hard to develop new ways to build Nucleon, but that doesn’t make them perfect. There are times when the team misses some things that are obvious. For example, a user submitted a suggestion that we are actively developing. Currently, a user must select the amount of xCFX to unstake. What if just want to withdraw a certain amount of CFX? A special thank you goes out to Redditor t4m90i who submitted that suggestion
We ask you as the community to help contribute and offer your suggestions as to how we can all make Nucleon a better protocol. We thank you all in advance because without you there is no project. The link to our Reddit page can be found below.
In addition to improvements to Nucleon, the DAO also needs everyone’s help. As you may know, the DAO has its own treasury wallet where veNUT holders decide how to use it. To this end, the DAO will soon be hosting a Town Hall event to discuss the current status of DAO, its governance of Nucleon, and anything else the listeners want to discuss.
It’s easy to see why we said the road ahead will be the most challenging yet. The low-hanging fruit of showing up and proclaiming Nucleon as the first and only LSD for Conflux is now mostly gone. Now we have to push boundaries and reach new users. We have the power and capability to be on the front lines grabbing new users and making first impressions. This will make us top of mind for new users. We want to make new users instinctively think of Nucleon when they think of Conflux.
Thank you all,
The Nucleon Team
About Nucleon
Nucleon is a liquid staking solution for Conflux PoS backed by industry-leading staking providers. Nucleon lets users stake their CFX without locking assets or maintaining infrastructure.
Our goal is to solve the problems associated with Conflux PoS staking — illiquidity, immovability, and accessibility — making staked CFX liquid and allowing for participation with any amount of CFX to improve the security of the Conflux network.
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